AUTHOR: Malene Marie Bendixen Jacobsen, Agile Coach
2019 – a fresh start, a new beginning
The agile mindset teaches us to inspect the past so we can adjust the future. 2018 is over and it is a chance to look back, how did it go? Did you achieve what you expected? Was 2018 a successful year for you? What would you have done differently? There are a lot of questions that can be asked. For Kaizania, 2018 was a busy year where we launched our new webpage, Andy Agile was born, we participated in local as well as international conferences and we used a lot of time with our beloved clients helping them move forward on their agile journey.
The trend of agile in 2018 was focusing on Business Agility – it is no longer just IT that needs to be agile but the organization as a whole. Why is Business Agility suddenly so important? Back in the day, it was always the large organizations that dominated and it was difficult to compete with them if you were smaller. In the last couple of years, we have seen more and more of these so-called big companies file for bankruptcy or struggling to succeed – threatened by smaller organizations. No later than just days before 2019 started the Scandinavian company behind the world-known brand Toy’s ‘us went bankrupt, how can this keep happening? Because we live in a world that constantly changes and we as consumers are accustomed to getting what we want, when we want it? is no longer the big companies that beat the small, it is the fast companies that beat the slow (fast at responding to changes).
Business Agility enables organizations to succeed by not only adapting to a constantly changing environment but empowering them to be disruptive market leaders. This is essential in remaining relevant and ensuring the longevity of your organization. The focus on Business Agility will continue to be a big trend in 2019 and at Kaizania we are ready to help your business into the future.
But how does this impact you as an individual? Another agile trend of 2018 was the phrase “We don’t do agile; we are agile”. – agile is a mindset and it is not something you put on when you walk into the office in the morning, as Alistair Cockburn put it:
So back to the question – how does it impact you? Becoming agile is not just a company goal, it is a personal journey and a personal change of attitude and mindset that does not happen overnight. Are you ready to get started on your agile journey? Perhaps you have already started and are looking to take it to the next level? At Agile of Course we cannot wait for 2019 to really begin so that we can help even more people embrace the agile mindset and how to implement it into your life – Our first course takes place in February and we only have a few spots left, see more info here.
We would like to thank all of our clients, friends, and colleagues for an exciting and successful 2018 and wish you all the best for 2019. At Kaizania, we already have a lot of new stuff on the drawing board for 2019 and we cannot wait to share it with you when we are able to, so stay a tuned and happy new year.